In this chapter, we explored the inner workings of Roslyn within Visual Studio 2022, empowering developers to use its capabilities fully. By mastering static code analysis, we can enhance quality assurance and security measures in our projects through nuanced control over severity levels and generating.editorconfig
files and spreading them to our team.
We saw how IntelliCode redefines productivity, offering predictive coding via whole-line autocompletion and seamless access to GitHub documentation.
We navigated code metrics of maintainability and security, which equip us with invaluable insights that allow us to evaluate and improve code bases. Armed with Visual Studio 2022’s built-in tools, projects can be optimized for long-term sustainability and robustness.
We concluded this chapter with practical refactoring case studies, addressing common pitfalls and demonstrating techniques such as interface generation and namespace refinement. By analyzing real-world...