What is heterogeneity?
Let’s start with the basics—that is, let’s start with heterogeneity!
Heterogeneity in causal effects reveals the diversity in how individuals or groups respond to the same intervention—a principle that can be humorously likened to the age-old mystery of why some people seem to thrive on a diet that consists largely of pizza and energy drinks, while others must adhere to a regime of kale and quinoa to maintain the same level of health. This variation underscores the fallacy of the one-size-fits-all approach, such as assuming everyone will enjoy the same Netflix series. Just as one person’s trash is another’s treasure, an intervention’s success can vary widely across different populations, influenced by a myriad of factors, including genetic makeup, environmental conditions, and even personal preferences.
To dissect these intricate variations, researchers investigate, employing advanced statistical methods...