As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
absence of measurement error 29
A/B test analysis, in R 177
effect-size calculation 185
exploratory data analysis (EDA) 178, 179
interaction effects, visualizing 188-190
multivariate analysis 181-184
post-hoc analyses 187, 188
power analysis 186
result interpretation 184
statistical testing 179, 180
synthetic data, generating 178
t-test assumptions, checking 184, 185
A/B testing 162
blinding 169
challenges 175
common pitfalls 175
control and treatment groups, setting up 169
data collection methods, adopting 170
placebo controls 170
A/B test plan 163
hypotheses, formulating 163
randomization 167
randomization techniques 168
sample size, determining 166, 167
test statistics 164, 165
acyclic 61
adaptive experimentation...