How to follow this book
The book is divided into three parts, including 14 chapters.
Each chapter can be followed individually, although for one chapter, you need the knowledge from all previous chapters.
If you got this book because you just want to get started from scratch, then it’s simple: follow the book in the order it’s been written. I have designed it specifically so that you learn the concepts one step at a time without having to think about what directions you should take.
Then, as you progress, feel free to come back to any chapter to clear up doubts. I encourage you to do that. The first time you learn about a concept, you don’t necessarily grasp all the subtleties. As you continue with this book and use the concept along with other new concepts, you often have ‘epiphany moments’, when everything clicks together.
If you already know some ROS 2 basics (or you’ve already read this book), then feel free to jump to any chapter...