Simulating a Robot in Gazebo
In the previous chapters, you wrote a URDF to describe a robot, published the TFs for that robot, and properly organized all files into the my_robot_description
You are now going to simulate the robot in Gazebo. This will be the end of the Part 3 project. The goal here is to finish the book with a working simulation. After that, I will conclude by giving you some hints on what to do to further with ROS.
We will start the chapter by understanding what Gazebo is, how it is integrated with ROS 2, and how to work with it. This will allow us to adapt the robot URDF for Gazebo, spawn it in the simulator, and control it with a plugin. We will also properly package the application so that we can start everything from one single launch file.
By the end of this chapter, you will be able to simulate a robot in Gazebo and interact with it using ROS 2. After you’ve done the process once, it will be much easier for the next robot you want to...