Going Further – What To Do Next
You have now finished the book—congratulations! Learning ROS 2 is quite a challenge, and you’ve made a big step.
To recap, this is what you learned:
- Part 1: You cleared up some misconceptions, installed ROS 2, and discovered some of the main concepts through experimentation. This set you up for the rest of the book.
- Part 2: This is where you learned about the most important ROS 2 concepts: how to write nodes and communicate with topics, services, and actions, and also how to make your application more dynamic with parameters and launch files.
- Part 3: You built a simulated robot, and while practicing the core concepts, you learned about TF, URDF, and Gazebo. TFs are the backbone of almost every ROS 2 application.
With this, you have a solid foundation you can use for any other ROS 2 project. Now, I don’t want to leave you there and just say that’s it. ROS 2 contains a lot more things, and robotics...