Setting up R and RStudio on EC2
Setting up R and RStudio on an Amazon EC2 instance allows you to harness the power of cloud computing for R-based geospatial data analysis. It provides scalable computing resources, and with R installed on an EC2 instance, you can leverage its capabilities to handle large geospatial datasets, perform complex calculations, and deploy R applications. One of the significant benefits of using Amazon EC2 is the freedom to choose different operating systems and configurations based on your needs. Changing the instance type is a seamless process that takes just a few minutes. By stopping the instance, modifying the instance type, and starting it again, you can quickly increase or decrease the computing power according to your requirements. This capability aligns perfectly with R and RStudio’s in-memory architecture, enabling you to process and analyze data efficiently. With EC2, you can adapt your computing resources and leverage the full potential of...