Launching a Redshift cluster and running a geospatial query
Now, we will combine everything we have learned and implement a practical example, as follows:
- Log in to the AWS Console and search for
in the top search bar:
Figure 4.2 – AWS console login
When you search for Redshift
, this should appear:
Figure 4.3 – The AWS Console showing the Redshift search results from the top navigation panel
- Click Create cluster in the top-right corner:
Figure 4.4 – The Redshift-provisioned cluster dashboard with an orange Create cluster button
- Select Free trial:
Figure 4.5 – Cluster creation
If you don’t have the Free Tier option, alternatively you can select dc2.large and enter 1
as the number of nodes.
Figure 4.6 – Alternative Create cluster options
- Type a password...