What is OpenStreetMap?
OSM is the most widely known and well-maintained free collection of geospatial data on the planet. It consists of an online portal that can be used to browse and search for data, a search engine for geospatial data, and a massive repository of accessible data that can be used outside of the platform. The online map website has geospatial editing features in a web map enabling the digitization of points, lines, and polygons. The data in OSM is contributed by a volunteer community via open collaboration and geospatial practitioners that are passionate about open data.
OSM’s data structure
You may be wondering what geospatial data schema supports the representation of any physical object on the surface of the entire planet. Roads are lines, buildings are polygons, and fire hydrants are latitude and longitude coordinates. How does one technology organize all of the data that represents our world?
OSM designates three data types, referred to as elements...