Applying materials to 3D models and meshes in Adobe Substance 3D Painter
There are several ways you can apply materials in Adobe Substance 3D Painter. In this section, we will go through these methods and learn how we can apply these materials easily because when applying materials, you will face different 3D models, and each 3D model requires a different technique. For example, applying material to a ceramic vase will be different from applying material to a broken wooden box.
To learn how to apply materials in Adobe Substance 3D Painter, let’s go through the following steps:
- From TEXTURE SET LIST, choose TV_Middle_Casing:
Figure 3.6 – Selecting TV_Middle_Casing
Now, keep in mind that you can only apply textures or materials to the selected Texture Set; therefore, as we have selected TV_Middle_Casing, we can only apply textures and materials to this Texture Set.
- From the left-hand Assets panel, choose Smart materials, and...