Substance Designer panels
In our first section, which is about panels, we will briefly go to the different panels of Substance Designer to give you a quick rundown of what each panel does. To work through this chapter, you need to open the
file, which you can download from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
. You can see how the Substance Designer user interface looks in Figure 7.1.
Figure 7.1 – Adobe Substance 3D Designer viewport
The following is a breakdown of the Substance Designer user interface from Figure 7.1:
- Menu bar: The menu bar is a general option bar that gives you options such as File, Edit, Tools, Windows, and Help.
- EXPLORER panel: Let’s first jump to the EXPLORER panel, which, as you can see, is basically a file management system. This is where you open, close, build, and save your projects and graphs.
- GRAPH view/panel: Then we have the GRAPH view. This is where you will actuall be doing most of your work; it is...