Navigating project management
The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK – pronounced pimbok), published by the Project Management Institute (, is a foundational guide in the project management field. It defines a project as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.” This concept breaks down into three key aspects:
- A project is “temporary”: Projects have a definite conclusion; they can run for a day, days, weeks, or years, but no matter how long, they will have an end date (e.g., writing a book)
- A project is an “endeavor”: Intentional effort requires planned, collaborative efforts from teams or organizations
- Unique output: Every project culminates in a distinct deliverable, such as the custom-designed Boeing 787 Dreamliner airplanes
Project management, a long-established profession, has roots extending back to ancient endeavors, such as the construction of the Great Pyramids...